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Forum Posts

SPL Initialize Error on DDR Ram speed

Hello,I am trying to bring up a custom board based on the STM32MP157D MPU via SDCard.I am using u-boot 2022-01-rc3 as bootloader and the boot is using SPL (I have an SDCard with a GPT Partition table with fsbl1, fsbl2 and ssbl named partitions).This ...

Resolved! How to install an example flutter app to STM32MP157F-DK2

I`ve built st-image-weston for stm32mp157f-disco board with flutter and clang layer. Then I built SDK with:bitbake core-image-weston -c populate_sdkThen I installed SDK with .tmp/deploy/sdk/core-image-weston-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp15-disco-x86_64-...

Gencay by Associate III
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modify a CAN sample point

I using a STM32MP-157F-EV1 eval board with linux Version 4.0.1-openstlinux-5.15-yocto-kirkstone-mp1-v22.06.15.CAN receive 500kBit/s fails, if I modify the sample point via an console command it works well. All other Bitrates 125kBit / 250kBit 1MBit a...

MaHa by Associate II
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