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Hi everyone,We have developed a custom board based on stm32mp157 mpu. We have used openstlinux distribution and the branch is "kirkstone". We have interfaced edt_ft5x06 display. Display is working perfectly fine but problem arises when we try to inte...
Hello everyone,we have developed a custom board based on stm32mp157 chip. We have also forked the tf-a, optee, u-boot and linux-kernel from meta-st-stm32mp layer. We have the following configuration for the tf-a and u-boot.  NOTICE: CPU: STM32MP157C...
Hello everyone,We have a custom board based on stm32mp157c. We have a working bsp, which have tf-a 2.2 and u-boot 2020 version. Currently we are updating tf-a to 2.6 and u-boot to 2022. In our board we have burned mac address in the otp and we can re...
Hi everyone,recently we have developed a custom board based on stm32mp157 mpu. We have used openstlinux distribution and the branch is "kirkstone". Ethernet is working perfectly on the Linux kernel. But problem arises when I am in the uboot mode (We ...
Hello everyone,we have developed a custom board based on stm32mp157 chip. We also forked the tf-a and u-boot from meta-st layer. If we flash an sd card using the flash layout, image works. But my goal is to copy the files from linux host machine, whi...
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