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Knowledge Base Articles

How to configure the MPU of an STM32 using STM32CubeMX

How to configure the MPU of an STM32 using STM32CubeMX1. Introduction The MPU (Memory Protection Unit) is included in the Cortex-M4 and M7 based STM32 Microcontrollers (refer to specific product datasheets to confirm availability). The MPU can be use...

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How to use STM32U5 with FreeRTOS™ in tickless mode

Introduction In this article, we cover the needed steps to use the FreeRTOS™ in tickless mode, specifically entering in STOP2 low-power mode with the STM32U5. In this example, we use the X-CUBE-FREERTOS™ pack with the LPUART and EXTI as the wake up s...

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How does the ThreadX Semaphore work

How does the ThreadX Semaphore work?ThreadX provides 32-bit counting semaphores that range in value between 0 and 4,294,967,295. There are two operations for counting semaphores: tx_semaphore_get and tx_semaphore_put. The get operation decreases the ...

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How to reach 480MHz for STM32H7xx MCUs

How to reach 480MHz on system clock for STM32H7xx MCUs using STM32CubeMX? You can reach 480MHz only for the following STM32H7 part numbers :  STM32H747/757 STM32H745/755 STM32H743/753STM32H742STM32H750 Note: For some parts, you need to check the maxi...

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Foued_KH by ST Employee
  • 4 kudos

How to disable Trustzone on STM32U5 Series

The aim of this article is to provide guideline for disabling Trustzone on STM32U5.1. Hardware and software setup Nucleo MB1549-U5A5ZJT6Q1. Hardware and software setupSTM32CubeProgrammer As you can see when connecting your board to STM32CubeProgr...

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How to connect a J-Link debug probe to the Nucleo-WB55RG

How to connect a J-Link debug probe to the NUCLEO-WB55RG? 1. Introduction Onboard, the NUCLEO-WB55RG includes a ST-LINK/V2-1 debugger/programmer with USB reenumeration capability: mass storage, virtual COM port and debug port.The ST-LINK/V2 is an in...

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How does the ThreadX Mutex work on STM32 Part2

How does the ThreadX Mutex work on STM32?Welcome to the second part of the article covering how to use the Mutex in the ThreadX using STM32 (Part 1 available here). This will cover the code editing and debugging. 1. Code Editing and debugging Using...

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