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How to set up and run the I3C_Private_Command_IT controller and target example projects

ST Employee


This article is a tutorial on how to set up and run the I3C_Controller_Private_Command_IT and I3C_Target_Private_Command_IT example projects. This tutorial uses the NUCLEO-H563ZI board and can be followed with any other ST development board that has an I3C_Private_Command_IT type example project available for it.

Refer to each example project’s file for detailed descriptions of how the example works. Furthermore, the I3C_Controller_Private_Command_IT and I3C_Target_Private_Command_IT example projects can be tailored to any STM32 MCU or development board that has an I3C peripheral, such as the STM32H503, STM32H7R & STM32H7S MCUs. 



  • Two NUCLEO-H563ZI boards. Can be purchased in our eStore here.
  • Three male-to-male jumper wires
  • Two USB Type-C® to USB-A cables
  • STM32CubeIDE installed

1. Board Connections

Connect the NUCLEO-H563ZI controller (left) and NUCLEO-H563ZI target (right) boards together using the following connections.


Controller PB8 (SCL) -> Target PB8 (SCL)

Controller PB9 (SDA) -> Target PB9 (SDA)

Controller GND -> Target GND

Fig 1. NUCLEO-H563ZI board schematicFig 1. NUCLEO-H563ZI board schematic
Fig 2. Controller (left) & target (right) board connectionsFig 2. Controller (left) & target (right) board connections


2. Import Example Projects into CubeIDE

Create a new project in CubeIDE, then use the "Example Selector" tab to search for and select the I3C_Controller_Private_Command_IT example project for the NUCLEO-H563ZI board.

Fig 3. CubeMX - I3C_Controller_Private_Command_IT example projectFig 3. CubeMX - I3C_Controller_Private_Command_IT example project

Once the project is imported, click the build icon to compile the project.

Create another new project in the same CubeIDE workspace and use the "Example Selector" tab to search for and select the I3C_Target_Private_Command_IT example project for the NUCLEO-H563ZI board.

Fig 4. CubeMX - I3C_Target_Private_Command_IT example projectFig 4. CubeMX - I3C_Target_Private_Command_IT example project

Once the project is imported, click the build icon to compile the project.


3. Flash Boards with Example Projects

First, plug the NUCLEO-H563ZI controller board into your computer. In the "Debug Configurations" window for the controller example project, check the "ST-LINK S/N" box, click "Scan", and select this board’s "ST-LINK S/N."

Fig 5. CubeIDE debug configurations - controller projectFig 5. CubeIDE debug configurations - controller project

Then click "Debug" to flash the project to the controller board. Once the board is flashed, terminate the debug session. Make sure that the code is running on the controller board (LD1 should be flashing roughly three blinks per second).

Keeping the controller board plugged in, now plug the NUCLEO-H563ZI target board into your computer. In the "Debug Configurations" window for the target example project, check the "ST-LINK S/N" box, click "Scan", and select this board’s ST-LINK S/N.

Fig 6. CubeIDE debug configurations - target projectFig 6. CubeIDE debug configurations - target project

Then click Debug to flash the project to the target board. Once the board is flashed, terminate the debug session.

4. Test the controller board example project

Launch a debug session for the controller example project and place breakpoints at lines 213, 216 & 221 for testing purposes. Add the buffers aTxBuffer and aRxBuffer to the expressions tab so we can monitor their values.

Fig 7. CubeIDE breakpoints & watched expressions - controller projectFig 7. CubeIDE breakpoints & watched expressions - controller project

Now, click the "Run/Resume" icon to run the code on the controller board. LD1 on the controller board should be blink fast (roughly three blinks per second). LD1 on the target board should be off.


LD1 status


Fast blinking




On the controller board, press the blue user button once. LD1 on the controller board should still be fast blinking (roughly three blinks per second). LD1 on the target board should now be solid green.


LD1 status


Fast blinking




On the controller board, press the blue user button once. LD1 on the controller board should still be fast blinking (roughly three blinks per second). LD1 on the target board should now be off.


LD1 status


Fast blinking




On the controller board, press the blue user button once. LD1 on the controller board should now be solid green. LD1 on the target board should also be solid green. In the debugger, the breakpoint at line 213 should be hit.


LD1 status






Fig 8. CubeIDE line 213 breakpoint - controller projectFig 8. CubeIDE line 213 breakpoint - controller project

Click the Run/Resume icon and the breakpoint at line 221 should be hit. At this point, check the details field of the aRxBuffer. It should contain the same " ****I3C_TwoBoards communication based on IT**** …" message that is in the aTxBuffer.

Fig 9. CubeIDE line 221 breakpoint - controller projectFig 9. CubeIDE line 221 breakpoint - controller project

Note: If the breakpoint at line 216 (Error_Handler()) is hit or if either of the boards have a slow blink on LD1 (roughly one blink per second), then an I3C transmission or reception error has occurred.

You have finished testing the example on the controller board. Before continuing, terminate the debug session and then press the black reset button on the target board (right) first, then press the black reset button on the controller board (left).

Fig 10. Example finished - controller (left) & target (right) boardsFig 10. Example finished - controller (left) & target (right) boards

LD1 on the controller board should be fast blinking (roughly three blinks per second). LD1 on the target board should be off.


LD1 status


Fast blinking




5. Test the target Board Example Project

Launch a debug session for the target example project and place breakpoints at lines 129, 132 & 137 for testing purposes. Add the buffers aTxBuffer and aRxBuffer to the expressions tab so we can monitor their values.

Fig 11. CubeIDE breakpoints & watched expressions - target projectFig 11. CubeIDE breakpoints & watched expressions - target project

Now, click the "Run/Resume" icon to run the code on the target board. LD1 on the controller board should be fast blinking (roughly three blinks per second). LD1 on the target board should be off.


LD1 status


Fast blinking




On the controller board, press the blue user button once. LD1 on the controller board should still be fast blinking (roughly three blinks per second). LD1 on the target board should now be solid green.


LD1 status


Fast blinking




On the controller board, press the blue user button once. LD1 on the controller board should still be fast blinking (roughly three blinks per second). LD1 on the target board should now be off.


LD1 status


Fast blinking




On the controller board, press the blue user button once. LD1 on the controller board should now be solid green. LD1 on the target board should also be solid green. In the debugger, the breakpoint at line 129 should be hit.


LD1 status






Fig 12. CubeIDE line 129 breakpoint - target projectFig 12. CubeIDE line 129 breakpoint - target project

Click the Run/Resume icon and the breakpoint at line 137 should be hit. At this point, check the details field of the aRxBuffer. It should contain the same " ****I3C_TwoBoards communication based on IT**** …" message that is in the aTxBuffer.

Fig 13. CubeIDE line 137 breakpoint - target projectFig 13. CubeIDE line 137 breakpoint - target project

Note: If the breakpoint at line 132 (Error_Handler()) is hit or if either of the boards have a slow blink on LD1 (roughly one blink per second), then an I3C transmission or reception error has occurred.

You have finished testing the example on the target board. Terminate the debug session and then press the black reset button on the target board (right) first, then press the black reset button on the controller board (left).

Fig 14. Example finished - controller (left) & target (right) boardsFig 14. Example finished - controller (left) & target (right) boards

LD1 on the controller board should be fast blinking (roughly three blinks per second). LD1 on the target board should be off.


LD1 status


Fast blinking




The boards are now ready to run through the example again.

6. Related Links

Version history
Last update:
‎2024-05-03 01:01 AM
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