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Introduction It is very common for HMI-of-Things applications to have the capability to control and display data between a user and the machine. Such applications require the ability to interface with external memory such as non-volatile memories tha...
Introduction It is very common for HMI-of-Things applications to have the capability to control and display data between a user and the machine. Such applications require the ability to interface with external memory such as SDRAM that is used as fra...
How to set up the LTDC peripheral to interface with the display panel ATM0500D27-CT from AZ Displays1. Introduction The STM32’s integrated LTDC (LCD-TFT Display Controller) peripheral can be used to interface with parallel displays. It is very common...
Hello,This is not a question - It is more of sharing a project.I ported the tutorial 4 to STM32CubeIDE V1.0.2 using V2.0.0 TouchGFX template.Tutorial 4 link:
Hello,I ported the first example in the article "Interfacing with hardware in TouchGFX Applications" to TouchGFX Designer V4.10 and then ported it to STM32CubeIDE V1.0.2.Please find it in attachment. I hope you find it helpful.I didn't use the ioc an...
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