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STM32F3, STM32G4: Similarities/Differences: Is there a table / summary / porting guide of the similarities/differences between these families?


The STM32G4 Series main page (here: says "A high degree of compatibility with the STM32F3 Series guarantees outstanding efficiency when designing derivatives of applications at different performance levels."

Where can I find more information on this compatibility and, again, similarities / differences?


AN5310 sort of...


@Vincent Onde​  gave this list of 'G4 ANs in the 2019 wishlist:

  • AN5346: STM32G4 ADC use tips and recommendations
  • AN5306: Operational Amplifier (OPAMP) usage in STM32G4 Series
  • AN4232: Getting started with analog comparators for STM32F3 Series and STM32G4 Series devices
  • AN4539: HRTIM Cookbook (updated for the G4 and HRTIMV2, also includes some C snippets)
  • AN5325: Getting started with the CORDIC accelerator using STM32CubeG4 MCU Package
  • AN5305: Digital filter implementation with the FMAC using STM32CubeG4 MCU Package
  • AN4767: On-the-fly firmware update for dual bank STM32 microcontrollers (the “on-the-fly�? feature is new and was developed for the G4)

not exactly a migration AN - ST stopped making these long time ago - but some of them may be useful (plus the mentioned AN5310)


ST Employee

Hello @TwelveSquared​  & @Community member​ ,

I don't agree that "ST stopped making these long time ago"; we continue to deliver the migration guides.

We have an application note for "Migrating between STM32F334/303 lines and STM32G474xx/G431xx microcontrollers". It is AN5094.

There was an issue to make it available on the web and now it is fixed.


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Hi Amel,


Okay, so I'm looking forward to the 'F4-to-'G4 and 'L4-to-'G4 migration ANs... 😉

But what I'd really love to see is a serious update of AN3364, or separate per-peripheral ANs detailing differences of peripherals between all STM32 families (maybe even reaching to STM8s where applicable).
