2024-04-22 11:20 PM
Is there already a solution available to use the STWLC98 or the STWLC38 in TX mode? Is there any application note or some other more detailed description for the TX mode?
My problem is the following:
I want to transmit 15W, but the STWBC86 can only transmit 5W. So I have to deal with the STWBC2-HP, but this one is too big for my application and has too much functionality I do not need. Furthermore it would be nice if I can use the same IC on RX and TX side.
Thank you
2024-04-22 11:32 PM
STWLC98 support TX mode, please check this link at page 44 5.15 Transmitter (Tx) mode
2024-04-23 12:07 AM
@simonh Do you have STWLC98 EVB board on hand?
2024-04-23 1:06 AM
@simonh board is available
STEVAL-WLC98RX - eStore - STMicroelectronics
2024-04-23 1:47 AM
I have seen it, but it is not yet in stock at any supplier. But I think it is not possible to Transmit Power with the Evalboard without adapting it. In the Application note there is mentioned, that the parts for TX mode are not assembled.
2024-04-23 1:54 AM
Thanks for notice me, it will be on stock soon,
Can you share me the volume of this 15W application?