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Forum Posts

is the code in https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/X-CUBE-EEPRMA1/tree/main/Documentation ment as demo code for the nucleo boards or as reference implementation for the eeprom components?

some question concerning the stm eeprom m95xx drivers from a not primarily firmware developer with limited experience with stm libraries.i was looking for some m95xx spi drivers. one can write them completely by one self, but as a not primarily firmw...

_richard by Associate III
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Resolved! VND600SP Obsolete

Hi, I am looking for a replacement of VND600SP. When I searched this part, it was obsolete already. Is there any recommendation for replacement of this part? I wish there is a drop-in substitutes of VND600SP.Thanks in advance.

WHeo.1 by Associate
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SCT040HU65G3AG SCTL90N65G2V�?�LTSPICEモデル�?�インストール�?��?��?��?�教�?��?��??�?��?��?�。SCT040HU65G3AG�?�LTSPICE�?�AutoGenerated機能を利用�?�シミュレーション�?��??るよ�?��?��?�り�?��?��?�。SCTL90N65G2Vも�?�様�?�方法�?�インストール�?��?��?��?��?�エラー�?�発生�?��?��?�。.libファイル�?�修正�?�必�?�?...

yuki1 by Associate
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M48T08-150PC1 year of manufacture?

I have a Timekeeper M48T08-150PC1 and need to know the year of manufacture.The endcap use to tell date.Example encap date of W2512Z = 251st day of 2012=Sept 8 2012.Now I have some that show A0116A and W2981Y. Can someone translate the A and Y

WWood.1 by Associate II
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