Hello!Please tell me what the letter K means in the first line of the C56WK marking?My colleagues say that the ending can be either P or G. The Chinese supplier sent a photo before purchasing.We need 4 psc.Thank you!Best regards, Jack
Hello!Please tell me what the letter K means in the first line of the C56WK marking?My colleagues say that the ending can be either P or G. The Chinese supplier sent a photo before purchasing.We need 4 psc.Thank you!Best regards, Jack
my post is more formal than technical. Is it okay to use products that are based on GigaDevice microcontrollers? Is this company just competition, or does it violate ST patents and products with these chips should not be supported? What is ST's posit...
Hi, I have STEVAL STRKT01 and Things network outdoor gateway, both registered on Things network. Can anybody help me how can I use them in test mode. I need to change spreading factor of the steval strkt01.
Hi, could you provide :the TJmax (maximum Junction Temperature), RJA(Junction to Ambient Thermal Resistance), Rjc (Junction to Case) and Rjb (Junction to Board) for the M24128-BFMC6 EEPROM.Thanks
Hello ST community,I am trying to find the part number of the chip in the attached picture with the code gk16w 85003f3p6 chn30ere7 (or similar), which unfortunately broke during a thunderstorm near our house. It's from a Nespresso XN110 coffee machin...
Hello Team,Please suggest the replacement for START499TR part.Early response is highly appreciated.Thanks and Regards,Rakshitha
Hi, We try to use STPM34 to measure DC power besides measuring AC power. We had to disable the HPFs of V1,V2/C1,C2 on the EVALSTPM34 board by sending {0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x04, 0x88} and {0x02, 0x03, 0x18, 0x24, 0x92} to STPM34 through SPI. When we ...
我使用 X-CUBE SAEFA1 在 stm32l151 上的 STSAFE-A110 中运行身份验证例程,串口返回 6 或卡住,寻求帮助
Hi, We try to use STPM34 to measure DC V and I inputs besides measuring AC. The HPFs of V1,V2/C1,C2 on the EVALSTPM34 board were disabled by sending {0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x04, 0x88} and {0x02, 0x03, 0x18, 0x24, 0x92} to STPM34 through SPI. ...
Hii, I was trying to run bldc motor using STEVAL-SPIN3202 evaluation board using 6-step method but i am unable to rotate the motor. When i press the start button it rotate just the fraction and overcurrent , speed feedback error is shown in motor pil...