STMicroelectronics: M24M01-DFMN6TP
Hi,We have a few questions for the M24M01-DFMN6TP.Is this part still active?What is the estimated year to EOL for this part?Thanks,Andy
Hi,We have a few questions for the M24M01-DFMN6TP.Is this part still active?What is the estimated year to EOL for this part?Thanks,Andy
Hi Team, I am looking for an I2C EEPROM (or any I2C slave device) that supports 10-bit addressing scheme. Can anyone suggest any device? Thanks,
I want to use unmatched transistors from ST in my projects.But I want to use then in non standard bandSo, are there transistor models avialable - s-parameters or nonliear modelsp.s. I am using AWRDE for simulations
We have purchaed this SM6T68CA and since 10 years we have purchase but this time we got failure in the device. need to know what is the exact issue and why this is getting failed. is it dummy partand if it is dummpy part then how could we identify. ...
Need software/schematic to drive RS-232 from both M4 & M7 core.
Hey everyone!I am trying to understand the snubber design for a 3 phase inverter to reduce ringing. What is the difference between placing the RC snubber:- between each phase output and ground (3x RC snubber)- between drain and source of every mosfet...
In one project we are using ST1480ABDR (Transceiver) and Baud rate is 115200. One master and 19 Slave connected in star topology. Please find attached reference termination resistor on both side, one at master and only one at slave. Run time our comm...
Hello, I would like to knowto know, for the ULN2804A, if the logic gates invert or not.If so, is there an equivalence without inverting gates?
Hello, I bought a STWLC38 evaluation board and I need to install STSW-WPSTUDIO for adjusting and configuring the board. While I'm trying to download the software, it shows error "This software is not available for download." Can somebody help me to e...
Hello!I'm currently working with the L6470 Stepper Driver for my project. Despite thorough examination of the datasheet, I couldn't find any detailed information regarding the detection of an open load condition. If anyone has encountered this issue ...