I am looking for MCU with high speed function
I found that the ST72681 8-bit MCU has HS function. Is there any support for this MCU? Or is there a related follow-up product?
I found that the ST72681 8-bit MCU has HS function. Is there any support for this MCU? Or is there a related follow-up product?
I am looking for ST controller with inbuilt WIFI SOC
I need st10f flash tool to download hex file into ST10F276E controller. Where can I get this tool? The tool available in St site is Application.Hex file. Not the exe file.
The L6387ED datasheet indicates that the high level logic threshold is 3.6V as a minimum. https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/l6387e.pdf#page=7The STM ESC eval kit (P/N: B-G431B-ESC1) definitely uses the L6387ED. We checked schematics and a some...
This is a discontinued model, and only 1 has the model number BUX98A printed on the body. I do not know what the other markings mean, and I would like to know if anyone does know what they mean.
Hi,the chip L9625 has a serial interface, but is this compatible with the SPI protocol?Moreover, is possible to use SPI commands to drive the outputs?Is there a more detailed documentation of this component?
Is there a recommended replacement for STDP6038-AC?
I am trying to programatically validate the tpm cert.I extract the URL from tpm certificate http://secure.globalsign.com/stmtpmeccint01.crt. Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 Issuer: ...
Hi, I actually working on a IHM that uses a SO-8 IC Maked as 4F100@ (EZ738) that I cant find anything on web. Could You Help me to solve the issue here? I´m sure that the unit is a common IC but, unfortunatelly, seems to be a proprietary component. ...