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Power Consumption for ST33KTPM2I

Hello STM32 Folks, I couldn't find any information regarding the power consumption of ST33KTPM2IWLBZA9. The datasheet does not talk about this.  I am hoping that someone from ST could provide information regarding the power consumption. Thanks,


We are working on one of our project which previously using TDA7566 IC. Can anyone suggest any pin-to-pin compatible IC for TDA7566? Are the following IC's are compatible - TDA7580, TDA7388, TDA7850? I would like to know more about the 3 pins (pin nu...

Raj23 by Associate
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Changing Brightness

Hi I am having some trouble adjusting the brightness for the STM32F7.I used this in main.c, and externed it I tried using this in model.cpp and in main.c, neither seems to adjust the brightness of the display. void setDutyCycle(float duty_cycle) { ...

Priyank by Associate III
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L9369 reference design

L9369 Control Signals for Redundant Safety Switch-off Path From μC—Are these 4 signals be connected together?or connect ACT_OFF_LS1_A and  ACT_OFF_LS2_A  together ?    connect ACT_OFF_LS1_B and ACT_OFF_LS2_B together ?Is there reference design for Au...

haihun by Associate II
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