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Forum Posts

Resolved! VL53L1X return 0 on every register rerad

I communicate with a VL53L1X-SATEL over I2C from a PSoC 5LP as I2C-master. The sensor as I2C-slave acknowledes commands as expected, but each register I try to read returns 0x00. I tried a for loop to read every register from 0 counting up, but the s...

MBaum.7 by Associate III
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VL53L5CX: Info about target status [renewed]

I am renewing this conversation because I had added this concern to a conversation with the same subject that was marked as solved. Originally posted by @MBela.3 .I have not received a response. However, it is very important to me not only for my app...

Resolved! RSVD6 of VL53L5CXV0GC

In VL53L5CXV0GC Typical application schematic, The pin RSVD6 must connect a 47 kΩ pullup resistor to IOVDD. If I keep this pin as floating, what will happen? Will power consumption increase? Or is the detection inaccurate?Thany you. 


Resolved! VL53L5CX Calibration after cover glass

Hi, I have two VL53L5CX and use glass to cover them. We can call them A&B.To A, I use the VL53L5CX_XTalkCalibration   function after init. To B, I do nothing.But result of both are close. Does it mean I can cover the glass without calibration?@John E...

MasterNi_0-1700559989892.png MasterNi_1-1700560005700.png
MasterNi by Associate
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Resolved! VL53L4CD Minimum distance reading

Hi,I am testing a VL53L4CD sensor for a measurement application. I am using the example code from the API to test out the sensor and I'm having an issue with the minimum distance of the sensor. It will not report a measurement range less than 70mm an...

GJohn.4 by Associate II
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VL53L5CX Operation Theory

Hi, I was wondering if there was additionaly theory avaliable about the operation of the VL53L5CX TOF sensor? I've already read the datasheets and applications notes. I'm particulalry interested in how the SPAD array identifies the transmitted light ...

David01 by Associate II
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