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I woulke to know the dead time of VL53L8CH to know the max value of one bin, but there is no information in the datasheet. Besides, currently I am using  the example in VL53LMZ_MassMarket_ULD of cubeide to get the histogram, I want to know if the num...
As shown in the figure is a ball, the depth difference of one pixel is less than 3.7mm. But as shown in the histogram, the depth difference is more than 15mm. I would like to know if this is caused by noise or some other reasons? 
How to get the height difference of these two screw hole? 
Currently I connected the X-NUCLEO-53L8A1 to F401RE, and I notice that on the web page of VL53L8CH, the sensor can get the data with 64 zones with 18 bins at 15 Hz. But when I use the VL53L8CH with the Example_12_cnh_data which use VL53LMZ_ULD_API, I...
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