Hello propu,The speed at which the Profiler makes the motor run is only relevant for Flux estimation, not Rs nor Ls.The other available start-up method is the RsDC, which performs an alignment of the motor. This means you need a strong enough current...
Hello again,I think you are mixing up CubeMx and CubeIDE. Even though CubeMx has an integrated GUI inside CubeIDE, it is a different software that is responsible for code generation. Its latest version is 6.13. On the other hand, CubeIDE manages code...
Hello Carador,As you are using an example, the handling is a bit different. Let me ask a few questions :First, what version of CubeMx are you using for code generation ?Did you save the project in a different folder with CubeMx before re-generating ?
Hello Carador,After the .ioc generation via WorkBench, you are allowed to configure again your project using CubeMX to fit your application, and re-generate again without tampering with the motor control code. Obviously, this only works if you don't ...
Hello propu,While using HSO, you want all 3 of your current samplings to be done as close to each other as possible, and same thing for voltages. This means your first guess is correct, with two ADCs, sampling should be done the following way :ADC1 ...