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STM32H7 SDMMC1 / FatFs / MDMA Not working



does anyone have experience with using SDMMC1 (1 bit-mode) and FatFs with enabled dma template on a STM32H730VBTx controller?

Without dma template I got it working (but it is requiered for FreeRtos)

I am using CubeMx in Version 6.1.1

Sorry, I am not able to upload scrennshots (?!)



·      SDMMC1

·      Use dma template enabled


·      SD 1 bit


·      Channel 1

·      Transfer 1

·      MDMA request: SDMMC1 data end

Thats it.

Result is: Returns FR_DISK_ERR from following line

FRESULT fresult = f_mount(&FatFs, "0:", 1);

Please let me know if further information is needed

Regards Marcus

ST Employee

Hi @Marcus Brönstrup​ ,

2 comments but not really the solution:

  • do you have same issue with STM32CubeMX 6.2.0?
  • use the "Image" icon to upload screenshots, copy-paste will not work.


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Should be able to attach .ZIP of things, not sure why the Mountain/Sun icon wouldn't let you in-line images

H7 is going to need to have caching managed appropriately, and memory within the scope of the DMA unit.

For CubeMX fixes on the ST side you'd be generally well advised to attach the .IOC file

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Indeed, for DMA usage please consider this FAQ article: DMA is not working on STM32H7 devices.

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Hi, I tested it with CubeMx 6.2 and have the same result. I have attached the CubeMx file

Associate II

Hello, was there any solution on this issue? Or can we conclude that DMA with STM32H7 and SDMMC is broken?

I experience exactly the same problem, with CubeIde 1.6.0.

>>Or can we conclude that DMA with STM32H7 and SDMMC is broken?

HW works fine, but it is complex and unforgiving.

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