2022-01-21 9:12 AM
STM32F723 is used in custom electronics. USB CDC device (virtual com port) high speed.
All was working reliably for the past year or so.
Last CubMx update (6.4.0) broke the USB interface completely – when plugged in, the PC won’t recognize the hardware. Stepping into “MX_USB_DEVICE_Init()�? I found that “USB_CoreReset()�? function is timed out. That is, the internal USB PHY is not able to reset.
When programming previous bin file, generated with CubeMx Ver 6.3.0 , everything works great. That’s why I am sure it’s FW issue.
Clock settings seems to be ok (see attached)
I also generated a clean new project, with only clock and USB interfaces and I am getting the same behavior where the PC doesn’t recognize the hardware. (USB_CoreReset() is failing due to time out)
Any help would be appreciated.
2022-01-22 2:47 AM
Read out and check/post content of RCC registers, and content of USBPHYC registers.