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Can't update ST link


For some reason my I cant update my St link.

Issue first came up as debug tool wasnt working properly. Trying again the IDE said no stlink detected when trying to debug the target. 


it finds it correctly as shown in the screen shot below (running from the IDE)Screenshot 2024-10-15 204235.png

however after clicking open in update mode it disapears?   



trying on the latest ST link update tool I get the following after a bit of thinking

Screenshot 2024-10-15 204814.png


clicking device connect again will just give no ST link device detected. Please connect it then retry.


Any idea what could be going wrong?


In update mode Windows has to find and load a New/Different driver. On Win7 this can take some time to find and install. Check progress and success via Device Manager. Once found I can unplug and replace and try update over.

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ST Employee

Hello @pingu and welcome to the community,

What board are you using? ST board?

Is it a standalone ST-LINK? if yes which one?

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