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Please advise plans to upgrade CubeMX to LWIP 2.1.3

Associate II

The latest version of CubeMX 6.6.1 is still at LWIP 2.0.3


Using Eclipse (STM32CubeIDE)? Add v2.1.3 to a different directory, exclude CubeMX's v2.0.3 directory and amend your include paths.

Associate II

i use STM32CubeIDE.

Is it done by copying, no changes are needed in the source?

Alec Davis 2021
Associate III

I asked the same question on the 2nd Nov.

@Amel NASRI​ has previosuly responded when I've asked about lwIP updates.

But I'm aware that AZRTOS with NETXDUO may make lwIP redundant with ST from 1:58 he talks about ST changing Middleware offering


I replaced the previous version with the new version in the Middlewares\Third_Party path and the program was compiled without any problems, but the problem of the program not working properly was not resolved.

ST Employee

Hi @HKabi.1​ ,

I submitted an internal ticket asking for the plan to support latest LwIP version.

I'll keep you informed as soon as I get the answer.

Internal ticket number: 138673 (This is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).


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Hi @HKabi.1​ ,

Unfortunately there is no plan to support new LwIP version in our middleware offer at least in short term.

As previously stated by @Community member​, ST's recommendation is to use NetXDuo instead of LwIP.


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At this point v2.1.2 is four years old and v2.1.3 is one year old. There are no major changes between these versions, just a few minor fixes and improvements. Therefore the change doesn't require any actual development, just swapping the files. The same situation as with CMSIS-Core(M) include files.

> ST's recommendation is to use NetXDuo instead of LwIP.

Edited by moderation team to adhere to community guidelines.

> ST's recommendation is to use NetXDuo instead of LwIP.

Hmm. Does NetX provide its own low-level ETH driver or uses the HAL library?

FreeRTOS+ once used a fork of pre-"rework" HAL ETH driver, quite heavily changed.