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In CubeIde: IOC file behavior after code generation !

Associate III

With STM32CubeIde 1.9.0, open and change some settings in the IOC file, save your changes, and then click yes when a popup asks you to generate the code. At the end of the code generation, the IOC file is marked again as an unsaved file!


The file is modified by the build process!

Please go back through the earlier replies - it's been said before

Hello @MFred.2​ ,

Thank you for having reported.

It seems that you're facing the same issue reported in this post, could you please check and confirm ?

Otherwise, could you please precise which MCU are you using and how did you exactly reproduced to observe this misbehavior ?

Thanks in advance.


Hello Khouloud,
Yes, this is the same problem.
I ‘m working with STM32CudeIde 1.9.0 with a STM32Cube example project (STM32U585).
1. Import example project
2. Open IOC file, and change one settings
3. Click save button (menu bar) -> (file saved)
4. In pop up, click yes to generate code
At the end of generation, file appear unsaved !
So, when you compil the projet, a pop up ask you to generate code from ioc file, …
Best regards
Frederic Mathieu

@Khouloud OTHMAN​ the other thread says there's an internal ticket on this.

Does that include addressing the problems mentioned above with revision control systems?

Hello @MFred.2​ ,

Thank you for the clarification.

From my side I couldn't reproduce the issue with STM32U585.

In fact, hereafter the steps I've produced:

  1. Start a new project based on CRYP_AES_GCM project (supported on STM32U585AIIxQ device).
  2. Do some changes in the project (Enable I2C, ADC, GPDMA1, LPDMA1 and COMP1 for example).
  3. Save the changes done and generate code.

Following those steps, the project is always saved correctly and " * " will disappear from CRYP_AES_GCM.ioc tab.

Please correct me if I've missed something.

Otherwise could you please share you project for further check from my side ?

Your feedback is important to find the root cause of this misbehavior.


@Andrew Neil​ , the internal ticket mentioned in this post is reporting the issue described in the thread but it will be updated accordingly if it is the same problem.

My project in zip file
Open IOC, modify it, click save -> generate code : yes ==> unsaved file !
Best regards
Frederic MATHIEU