2019-11-26 5:00 AM
How to choose stm32G431 BOOT mode
Can you use stm32cubemx to configure BOOT mode? If you cannot use stm32cubemx how to configure.
May I ask if it is configured to boot from user flash memory.
2019-12-03 7:13 AM
@km naxin ,
please check application note AN2606.
2024-05-02 6:44 AM
@Tilen MAJERLEUnfortunately this document doesn't explain how to configure the bootloader in CubeMX.
How would I change the registers related to that in CubeMX? For example the boot entry setting regsiter bits, "BOOT_LOCK", "nBoot0", "nBoot1", "nBoot0_SW".
If it is not possible to change these in CubeMX, how would I go about doing that in the generated software? As the registers can only be read prior to booting.
2024-05-02 12:29 PM
STM32CubeMX is not a tool for modification of option bytes. Modifying option bytes is similar to modifying BIOS settings on your computer.
Typically you configure the option bytes in 2 possible ways:
2024-05-03 3:37 AM
Thanks a lot, this helped quite a bit.
For anyone else looking this up, these two knowledge base entries are very useful as well: