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My HW_Init.cpp is as follows. How do I modify the LCD display orientation?
Visual Studio compiles the simulation project generated by TouchGFX. See attachment for error messages. Don't know how to solve it.
How to choose stm32G431 BOOT modeCan you use stm32cubemx to configure BOOT mode? If you cannot use stm32cubemx how to configure.May I ask if it is configured to boot from user flash memory.
My NUCLEO-G841RB USB plug into the computer does not recognize the driver. My operating system is WIN7 64bit. See the figure below for the driving situation. keil is uvision5.28.0.0.
The manual writes: At startup, a BOOT0 pin (or nBOOT0 option bit) and an nBOOT1 option bit are used to select one of three boot options:But I did not find nBOOT1 in Pin definition. I don't know how to configure the pins of BOOT mode.