2017-07-04 9:33 AM
Repro steps...
The problem is that core_cm4.h cannot be found - its not present.
Can anyone help?
#nucleo-l432kc #cubemx #sw4stm322017-07-04 7:56 PM
while you omit such information from your post, did you try to upgrade anything lately? which version of cube is your repository?
remove the 1.8.0 and 1.8.1 directories and zip files and let it download and patch them again. thats what worked for me.
2017-07-05 1:06 AM
,Make sure that the include paths configured properly into the project from the correct directories.
For more help on this issue, please share your .ioc file and provide more details about the tools (Cubex, SW4STM32) version you have used.