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If a charger is plugged into the USB (rather than a computer) then USBD_MSC_Init() is not called. Consequently pClassData is left NULL. If the USB is then stopped via USBD_Stop(), then the USBD_MSC_DeInit() is called and the NULL pointer is accessed ...
Posted on July 04, 2017 at 18:33Repro steps... Create a new CubeMX project, selecting the Nucleo32 L432KC board.In settings give it a name and select to generate code for the 'System Workbench for STM32' selecting SW4STM32Generate the code and open...
Posted on June 26, 2017 at 17:37I am using the ST-Link v2 with a target STM32 board running at 1.8V. I connect the 'target Vcc' to my boards Vcc ok, but the SWDIO and SWDCLK outputs from the ST-link are at 3.3V. Yet it looks like it is supposed to w...
Posted on February 15, 2017 at 10:12We're trying to get some LIS3MDL parts for some sample boards we are making. Seems there is no supply anywhere. Does anyone know what the problem is, or when it's likely to be sorted? Better still: any ideas where...
Posted on January 23, 2017 at 18:13The spec for the LIS3DSH quotes +-16g, yet the sensitivity at full scale is 0.73mg/LSB, giving a full scale range of +-24g. Can the sensor be used effectively at +-24g? What kind of non-linearities or other errors ...