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Can address pin A25 (STM32F765II) be used for LCD 8080 interface in case of 16 bit data?


I am trying create drivers for LCD using 8080 interface and STM32F765II cpu. In order to config the cpu I use STM32CuBeMX and I can select line A25 to switch command/data even when I set 16 bits data bus. But also I found next text in the datasheet:

"In case of a 16-bit external memory width, the FMC will internally use HADDR[25:1] to generate the

address for external memory FMC_A[24:0]. In case of a 32-bit memory width, the FMC will internally use

HADDR[25:2] to generate the external address"

So my questions are:

Can A25 address line be used to switch command/data in case of 16 bit width? If yes how I can switch its state?


You could use any of the external address bits.

You'd read/write to a different address, ie 0x60000000 or 0x60000000 + (1 << 25)

1 << 26 -> 0x40000000 which would be another bank select.

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Thank you for answer.

it seems that when I use address 0x60000000 + (1 << 25) to read or write 16 bit width data it doesn't affect A25 pin but A24 pin is changed. It works like datasheet describes: "In case of a 16-bit external memory width, the FMC will internally use HADDR[25:1] to generate the

address for external memory FMC_A[24:0]". But stm32cubemx app allows select A25 pin to use for data/command switching in case of 16 bit width.

Is there any another way to set value to A25 pin? Or is it a bug in stm32cubemx application?

Haven't we already established that A25 Internally is shifted to A24 Externally for a 16-bit width device.

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Yes you're right, you can't use the A25 pin in 16-bit mode.

@Amel NASRI​  , this appears to be a bug in CubeMX.


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OK, this problem is tracked internally.

Thanks for highlighting it.

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Thanks, Amel.


Presumably A1 thru A24 would function equally well, and A25 (FMC_A24 in 16-bit) if you aren't bound to CubeMX

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