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Bug in CMSIS V2 Layer in combination with C++ project (FreeRTOS+LwIP)

Associate II


When creating a C++ Project for STM32F7 (my Board: Nucleo F767Zi) with LwIP and FreeRTOS with CMSIS V2 Layer, after 30 seconds up to a few minutes Ethernet communication stops working (Stuck in cmsis_os2.c at xSemaphoreTake (hMutex, timeout) ).

Steps to recreate the Bug:

  • Create new STM32 Project for Nucleo F767Zi with targeted language C++ (CubeIDE 1.5.1 with STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.16.0)
  • In CubeMX change Systick to TIM6, enable LwIP and FreeRTOS with CMSIS V2
  • Build and flash Board
  • continuously ping the board and wait for it to crash

See also my previous post:

It works if I either:

  • convert Project to C in CubeIDE
  • switch to CMSIS V1


Associate II

I encountered the same bug two years later
LWIP works on my stm32f7 using cmsis_v1 but not with cmsis_v2
any update?

I am facing same issue while creating a C project with STM32F746 Discovery board with Ethernet and FreeRTOS, I am able to ping to my board when I use CMSIS v1 but not the case when I am using CMSIS v2.

I am following this tutorial  

I am able to run TCP, UDP on baremetal code but I am having difficulties using FreeRTOS 

I have attached CbueMX report and source code for TCP suing netconn and my main.c  fiel.