2019-04-25 2:32 AM
I couldn't find any discussions here about this newly released tool, so I'm creating one.
Here is the link - STM32CubeIDE
2019-04-25 1:03 PM
Thank you; I completely missed that picture!
2019-04-26 1:27 AM
We were told it's the only way the team responsible for the website could guarantee a correct download of the installers, so we delivered .zip files as they requested.
2019-04-26 1:46 AM
It's not officially supported. Which version of Opensuse are you using? You should be able to install with the regular .sh file for general linux distributions.
2019-04-26 1:56 AM
> You should be able to install with the regular .sh file for general linux distributions.
What is a "general linux distribution" ?
Do you mean Debian/Ubuntu based ?
2019-04-26 2:05 AM
Basically what I mean is that the intended use for the different installers as laid out in the installation guide is this:
rpm_bundle.sh for Fedora®/CentOS
deb_bundle.sh for Ubuntu®
.sh for generic Linux®
So what I mean is any non-Fedora/CentOS/Ubuntu distribution.
2019-04-27 1:02 PM
Did someone installed it on MacOS? I get a warning ST Link Server is not compatible with Mojave.
System can be corrupted if I would continue the installation. Did no one test the Mac version on a Mac at ST?
2019-04-29 5:41 AM
We didn't have the time to fix this for release but we put it under "Known problems and limitations" in the release note:
"The macOS® installer displays incompatible version dialog when installing the stlink-server package. This can safely be ignored."
As well as detailed it as step 8 in the installation guide in the macOS section, we are aware of the issue.
2019-04-29 10:00 AM
Markus thank you for your responses. I just got STM32CubeIDE Friday, installed it, used STM32CubeIDE to start with a STM32F429I-DISCOVERY, used the integrated TouchGFX to create a base screen, did the build and got code errors in [b]startup_stm32f429zitx.s[/b] and in [b]stm32f4xx_it.c[/b]. That's not even my code, there is no User Code in this test project. So now I'm stopped by the internal code. :roll:
C:/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace/BattMonTest4/Debug/../Startup/startup_stm32f429zitx.s:113: undefined reference to `main'
Src/stm32f4xx_it.o: In function `LTDC_IRQHandler':
C:/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace/BattMonTest4/Debug/../Src/stm32f4xx_it.c:205: undefined reference to `hltdc'
Src/stm32f4xx_it.o: In function `DMA2D_IRQHandler':
C:/STM32CubeIDE/Workspace/BattMonTest4/Debug/../Src/stm32f4xx_it.c:219: undefined reference to `hdma2d'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [makefile:51: BattMonTest4.elf] Error 1
"make -j8 all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.
08:56:40 Build Failed. 4 errors, 0 warnings. (took 15s.10ms)
Before STM32CubeIDE, I used STM32CubeMX 5.1, TouchGFX 4.10 and TrueSTUDIO separate applications using the same board to start developing I2C code from STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.1\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Examples\I2C\ . After I did similar to above, select the board, use the article Configuring STM32F429I-DISCO from TouchGFX, open the project in TrueSTUDIO, I spent many days fixing all the missing includes, errors in the generated code, and after ALL that the project won't load into the target board during Debug, it hangs in HAL_MpxInit inside of HAL_INIT. I did nothing to that code. Extremely frustrating.
My hope is that STM32CubeIDE gets fixed soon, it is much easier than using the separate applications.
2019-04-29 10:56 AM
New CubeIDE question....
I just tried STM32CubeIDE for the first time, install on Fedora 27 via the RPM install. Smooth install, no problems--nice!
I'm using the STM32L452RE board, and I wanted to use the 1.13.0 libraries I had been using on my project, instead of the 1.14.0 libs that were downloaded when I created my first project under CubeIDE. But I found that none of the options to select an alternate firmware pkg/libs would let me select my 1.13.0 package, even though it was installed in the Repository right next to the new 1.14.0.
* When creating the STM32 Project, on the "Firmware Library Package Setup" screen in the wizard, 1.14.0 was shown greyed out in a drop-down box and would not allow me to select an alternate.
* In the Project Manager tab in the IOC file editor, the Firmware Package Name and Version showed 1.14.0 and the "use default" checkbox that used to appear in CubeMX to enable alternate package selection is missing.
I did verify that under Help -> Manage Embedded Software Packages, it showed both 1.13.0 and 1.14.0 as currently installed.
I checked the release notes and didn't see any entries there. Did I miss something?
2019-04-29 11:42 AM
Regrouping with; https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000AkT1RWSQ0/stm32cubeide