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I was viewing the youtube video on how to use the STM32CubeIDE, when I got to the part on SWV data trace timeline debugging it did not work. I am using a STM32F032 nucleo-64 development board. How do I use the SWV in the debugger?

Associate II

On the same note, how do I use the other functions of the debugger? I also want to be able to read the state of a counter I created that outputs to a 7-segment display. My code works to push a button and increment from 0 to 9 on the display. I am trying to figure out how to display the value of my counter variable when I push the switch. I can see the value of the switch, but not my variable.  


SWV is NOT supported in CM0(+) devices. On the Nucleo use the USART/VCP to output telemetry.

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Associate II

I am not familiar with what CM0(+) devices are. Also, what is VCP and telemetry. Not getting any info online, can you point me in the direction of a tutorial or white papers?

CM0 Cortex M0

STM32F032 is a Cortex-M0 based device, it does not support the SWV output channel

VCP Virtual COM Port, Serial Port

Telemetry, the output of diagnostic or functional information about a running system and choices/decisions it is making, real-time

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Associate II

Okay, so you meant to just use the USART to output my data. Gotcha

What document did your information come from? I have been searching for documents that tells how to set up and use the debug tools, but I have not found the info anywhere I have searched. I did not find anything in the GDB on any of the tools shown in the debugger perspective. I cannot find any info on Live Expressions, Variables or anything. There isn't any info at all in the help, nor can I find it on the website. help��