2019-04-25 2:32 AM
I couldn't find any discussions here about this newly released tool, so I'm creating one.
Here is the link - STM32CubeIDE
2019-04-25 3:13 AM
My take on vendor-specific toolchains in general:
* Fine for hobbyists , occasional users, and prototypes.
Second choice in a commercial environment, because:
* Silicon vendors use to lack the compiler/linker expertise. Toolchains are either bought up, leased, or freely available. A performance gap does exist.
* All-in-one often implies "all in one hand". Not everone likes that.
* This oolchains are limited to the company's product line. This does not fit for many customers.
* Longterm-availability, maintenance (bugfixes) and feature requests. What can you expect from a free product ?
* Licence and copyright issues.
Wich doesn't mean all this problems are present in STM32CubeIDE. But since it is based on TrueStudio (and Atollic) I wait to see.
Situations and occurences like observed with the Atollic take-over do usually fail to motivate the employees. The experienced key developers tend to disembark first.
2019-04-25 3:45 AM
Why distribute as ...bundle.sh.zip? 745431591 vs 745431337 bits, about 300 bytes saved by zipping!
2019-04-25 3:46 AM
There is no libusbx on Opensuse. As found on the net" As of 2014.01.26, libusbx project has been fully merged back into libusb and is being discontinued."
2019-04-25 4:00 AM
Troubles like this convinced me some years ago to switch over to Mint, which has a KDE version, too. Just saying.
2019-04-25 4:22 AM
Does Mint have libusbx? And what should that tell?
I consider it a fault of STM32CubeIDE to require a library that has been discontinued for 5 years!
2019-04-25 5:55 AM
That meant, considering the limited importance of Linux in commercial embedded development, ST focuses only on the main Linux distributions. (Mint is derived from the ubiquitous Ubuntu.)
Glad that ST cares about Linux users at all...
2019-04-25 6:00 AM
CubeMX/HAL provide a 2 YEAR old FatFs with known issues.
2019-04-25 10:09 AM
I wonder what is the relationship between this and Atollic TrueStudio which ST owns?
2019-04-25 12:18 PM
> I wonder what is the relationship between this and Atollic TrueStudio which ST owns?
The picture shows it... It is Atollic + Cube.
-- pa