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Unable to use Debugger while monitoring multiple threads


Hello! I am developing my first FreeRTOS system and believe I have an error somewhere between tasks and I cannot find a good way to monitor them as the debugger is not showing me that multiple threads are running but as I step through it jumps from task to task when they are blocked so they should be preempting.



Anyways, I am using the STM32F446RE Nucleo development board with the folowing firmware versions:


ST-Link V2J4M32 STM Debug+Mass storage+VCP 

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.1


Here is the setup for my tasks


  /* definition and creation of NoteQueue1 */
  osMessageQDef(NoteQueue1, 64, note);
  NoteQueue1Handle = osMessageCreate(osMessageQ(NoteQueue1), NULL);

  /* Create the thread(s) */
  /* definition and creation of ParseMidi */
  osThreadDef(ParseMidi, StartParseMidi, osPriorityNormal, 0, 128);
  ParseMidiHandle = osThreadCreate(osThread(ParseMidi), (void*) ctrl);

  /* definition and creation of AudioOutput */
  osThreadDef(AudioOutput, StartAudioOutput, osPriorityNormal, 0, 128);
  AudioOutputHandle = osThreadCreate(osThread(AudioOutput), (void*) ctrl);

  /* Start scheduler */



And here is the error that is thrown by the debugger 


Loading RTOS driver... FreeRTOS

Connecting to GDB server on port 61234 ... Connected

Listen for GDB connection on port: 60000 ... Connected

xList.pxNext.pvOwner == 0x0

Update threads. Failed collecting threads.


This error repeats every step as well.


and here is my debug configuration settings 


 I also made sure within the .ioc file USE_TRACE_FACILITY, USE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS, are all enabled.


I would appreciate some sort of guidance if possible.


Please :)