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Forum Posts

TTCAN TUR division: rounding or truncating?

This is a request for clarification of the TUR (Time Unit Ratio) calculation in the TTCAN implementation of the FD-CAN peripheral that is part of STM32MP1xxx systems. Specifically: the TUR is composed of a numerator and a denominator, designated FDCA...

tarmasr by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32MP135F-DK SD and SNOR external loader for Baremetal

Hello, Recently, a STM32CubeMP13 Package has beed added by ST ( here on the wiki, here on github). I tried to use external loader with STM32MP135F-DK board, the same board used in the wiki. First, I used SD external loader, with UART and USB connecti...

DalH_1-1706282343874.png DalH_2-1706283205443.png
DalH by Associate
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Resolved! STM32MP13 Board bring up issue

We are working on a custom board (based on STM32MP135F-DK) which uses STM32MP131AAE and STPMIC1DPQR PMIC.We are using STM32CubeProgrammer TSV Flashing service to flash the image into eMMC, in this process we are getting a PMIC Panic NOTICE: CPU: STM...

panic error during optee binary update

Getting panic error during optee binary update. We are stuck on this. Kindly provide any guidance. We are using emmc for boot and Two file updating till now. But after fip-stm32mp135f-dk-optee.bin update we are getting this error. Here is the log- NO...

manishee by Associate
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Resolved! QT5 camera,no service found for - ""

Hi team,I have an STM32MP157 board with the following git branch.a. buildroot: remotes/origin/st/2023.02.6b. buildroot-external-st: remotes/origin/st/2023.02.2I got the error message "no service found for - """ when I ran the ...

wG.1 by Associate II
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Break error interrupt in USART

Hello Team, Now I am working on stm32mp133f MCU.  I need to implement break error interrupt in USART. My requirement is when we got 'NULL' data on  RX FIFO . it should generate break interrupt. shall I get this  interrupt with frame error.  

Kaduru by Associate
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