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Greeting.I'm trying to get our ADC subsystem up and running and getting weird errors in dmesg during boot. I'm assuming I've done something wrong with devicetree but I can't seem to figure out a working combination from the docs.Full part number of o...
As the title says, I'm working with ecosystem 5 on a custom board with bootchain DTB files generated by CubeMX and modified according to lab material for the STM32MP1 workshop presentation "Lab-MP15_FromPartNumber_To_BasicDeviceTree_with_CubeMx.pdf"....
Hi all.I'm working through the lab material for the STM32MP1 workshop and have run into a snag after following the "extra hands on" presentation "Lab-MP15_FromPartNumber_To_BasicDeviceTree_with_CubeMx.pdf". My high level goal is to get binaries (TF-A...
Good evening.I'm trying to use the ST's DDR FW UTIL (Github link) to test/verify DDR configuration with said project imported into STM32CubeIDE (latest version).I'm running into trouble with the HAL's RCC configuration in that whatever configuration ...