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Forum Posts

level sensitive IRQ on GPIO

Hello, I am using the ST32MP157c-dk2. I want to adapt the mcp2518xxfd driver the bsp. The driver uses a level sensitive irq on a gpio. Since I have not been able to configure a level sensitive irq, I tried it edge sensitive. But this configuration fa...

FHill by Associate
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spread spectrum on STM32MP1

Hi,I have to use the spread spectrum on PLL4 on STM32MP1I have set the pll4 in tfa and u-boot as followstfa     pll4:st,pll@3 {    cfg = < 1 49 11 10 1 3>; csg = < 80 80 SSCG_MODE_CENTER_SPREAD >;  };u-boot  pll4:st,pll@3 {    cfg = < 1 49 11 10 1 7>...

MArdi by Associate II
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How to increase the RPMsg buffer size?

i want to increase the RPMsg buffer size as suggested in this thread: already tried the following:On the M4:Changing RPMSG_BU...

rengl by Associate II
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New : STM32MP15 distribution for Android™ v1.0.0

ST is please to announce the st-android-9.0.0-2019-09-27 tag compatible with Android 9.0.0 (Pie).Main software component versions : ·       Android version v9.0.0 (AOSP android-9.0.0_r46 tag)·       Kernel version v4.19.49 (AOSP common kernel) + upda...

STM32MP157AAA3 use LPDDR3?

I designed a PCB using LPDDR3 and STM32MP157AAA3 MPU, but I accidentally found that u does not support, this is not a pit man? Why is this diagram on the DDR instruction manual AN5122, I'm designing it accordingto this. But now pcb has produced how t...

Mokail by Associate II
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the two ways of using GPIO peripheral

Hello,I am working with stm32mp157c-dk2I have read the GPIO related parts in documents and wiki. I have also used GPIO from M4 side.Are the following statements correct ?Discovery board STM32MP157C-DK2 has two types of GPIOs connector:GPIO 40 pins co...

IYetk by Associate III
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