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Forum Posts

the two ways of using GPIO peripheral

Hello,I am working with stm32mp157c-dk2I have read the GPIO related parts in documents and wiki. I have also used GPIO from M4 side.Are the following statements correct ?Discovery board STM32MP157C-DK2 has two types of GPIOs connector:GPIO 40 pins co...

IYetk by Associate III
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DMA possible application use cases

Hi, Can anyone give me possible application use cases that Direct Memory Access (DMA) is needed or has advantages to use for stm32mp157c?Or any document that explains possible application use cases ?tnx

IYetk by Associate III
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Resolved! No memory for tty_prepare_flip_string

Hello, I'm using the OpenAMP_TTY_echo example with some modification.if (VirtUart0RxMsg) { VirtUart0RxMsg = RESET;   while (data < 65535) { itoa(data, buf, 10); if(VIRT_UART_Transmit(&huart0, (uint8_t *)buf, 10) != VIRT_UART_OK)...

lenonrt by Associate III
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DDR3L, bit swap inside bytes. How to configure it ?

i read the following information in the doc AN5122 : Standard fly-by topologyA standard fly-by topology is comprised of:• A distributed A/C bus with 56 Ω on-board termination at VTT (VDD_DDR/2)• A differential clock, distributed to all of the DDR dev...