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DPade.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Inaccurate measurement of VREFINT

Hi everyone!I see unexpected values when measuring VREFINT. The ADC measures around 1.18V, on some boards even 1.16V, which is outside the tolerance according to the datasheet: Reading the calibration value VREFIN_CAL from OTP memory returns a value ...

0693W00000QLsweQAD.png 0693W00000QLsozQAD.png
jvog.sen by Associate II
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How to protect Bootloader binary on STM32MP15xxx

Hi,We see signing + encryption bootloader on STM32MP13xx,But on STM32MP15xx, there is only signing. The raw binary still start from offset 256 of the signed file. This only make sure the board doesn't run a strange bootloader, but doesn't prevent som...

Dat Tran by Senior II
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gdbgui always open web browser and failed

When i tried the commend below (<Your_full_path_to> was already corrected to the path that content Setup.gdb), ```gdbgui -g "arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi-gdb -x <Your_full_path_to>/Setup.gdb"```I would like to use ST-Link for debug uboot, but the web brows...

Dat Tran by Senior II
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Resolved! How to hide OTP values on STM32MP15

From user manual, from OTP word 59th for user to store sensitive information, meaning there is a way to prevent read them by STM32cube tool for non-secure application.We see the way to lock them which mean can't not change values, any document that t...

Dat Tran by Senior II
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Resolved! stm32mp157c implementation initramfs

Hi,I usestm32mp157c and the filesystem runs emmc default. But I want it to change it and run at ramfs. I addedCONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD=yCONFIG_RD_GZIP=yCONFIG_RD_BZIP2=yCONFIG_RD_LZMA=yCONFIG_RD_XZ=yCONFIG_RD_LZO=yCONFIG_RD_LZ4=yin kernel config file. A...

aliMesut by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32MP151 - How to activate MCO ?

Hello, I'm trying to leverage the MCO capability of the STM32MP1, but I don't success. I want to have LSE on MCO1 and HSE on MCO2. I'm using TFA -> uboot -> linux and I can build with Yocto or Buildroot.Which steps should be done during TFA, uboot an...