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Hi,I have a problem with the DMA seemingly being shut down due to ADC overrun.What I want to achieve: Three ADC channels should be read indefinitely and the values should be written to memory by DMA as soon as they are ready.What's currently happenin...
I am using UART over RS-485 on an STM32MP153AAB3.The communication fails because the actual baudrate is off from the specified baudrate. With a specified baudrate of 9600 Bits/s, I am getting an actual baudrate of 9970 Bits/s, as you can see here (ti...
When debugging my firmware using STM32CubeIDE, the debugger seems to miss the start of the program. As an example, when I put breakpoints right at the top of main(), they are ignored. It's not only a couple of lines that are affected, but pretty much...
I am trying to read data using ADC1 continuously and copy it into a buffer via DMA.However, the data is only read and copied once (seemingly correctly), and afterwards nothing happens anymore (data in buffer does not change, ADC1_IRQHandler() is not ...