STM32 MPUs Boards and hardware tools

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XDisplayInfoHeader.h file error

Hello, I am working on STM32MP135-dk board.i am running make command but its not working, it shows fatal error: XDisplayInfoHeader.h: No such file or directory, this error. How to solve it ? i am sharing some screenshots below. 

Pooja321_0-1700799142242.png Pooja321_1-1700799173261.png
Pooja321 by Associate II
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Resolved! Fail to add file into rootfs in Yocto

I have a simple recipes, which used to install certain files to rootfs, as below:DESCRIPTION = "A hello world example"SECTION = "appauto"DEPENDS = ""LICENSE = "CLOSED"FILESEXTRAPATHS:append := ":${THISDIR}/file"SRC_URI = "file://hello.service \"do_in...

HYC by Associate
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STM32MP1 FMC address pins

Hello!I have a MP1 board (STM32MP157), and i was wondering if one can have control over which individual pins are used when it comes to FMC. I want to use FMC for PSRAM, 8-bit data mode, but the pin that corresponds to FMC_A2 is already in use (PF2),...