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Forum Posts

Resolved! ECMF02-2AMX6 Bad Eye Diagram for USB2.0

Hi,we are using the ECMF02-2AMX6 in our USB 2.0 lanes. The traces on our board are quite short. However, the measured eye diagram of USB 2.0 was not good. The eye is very close to the limit especially at the rising part. Now I saw that in the datashe...

CBmn by Associate
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Resolved! phantom breakpoint

Dear support,When debugging code in Attolic TRUEStudio I am facing a fantom breakpoint phenomena. Sometimes I see this report from ConsoleTemporary breakpoint   1, main () at ..\src\main.c:71   71 int ret = 0;   No breakpoint number 2.It's a sh...

LPola.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! M95M02-dr EEPROM Cant write data.

Hi,I've been trying to write data into M95M02 EEPROM with SPI and i cant seem to write data into the memory according to the data sheet. I checked the write status with status register and WIP bit is set to 0 within the write cycle, meaning there is...

CDe S.1 by Associate II
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