I'm researching the usefulness of the VL53L1X for people flow detection in/out of a room. I know example given but I'm left with two questions:A) Which of the SM ToF sensors in VL53 series might provide same capability as example?B) Without experienc...
Here is my platform.c file that I have been using:
Hi, i'm wondering what is the optimal distance and target reflectance for calibration process function VL53L1_PerformOffsetCalibration()?Also about Xtalk calibration process function VL53L1_PerformSingleTargetXTalkCalibration() shall be feeded with a...
Hi there,I'm trying to read some motion data from VL53L5 but so far no luck. I initialize the sensor using vl53l5cx_motion_indicator_init() with default values and then read motion_indicator.motion[i] but all I get is zero values in this array despit...
I have downloaded and implemented VL53L4CX driver following the example code. First I opened the provided example with CubeIDE (v1.8.0) and it failed to build. Looks like a fragment of refactoring. Also a source file was missing a struct definition, ...
Hello this is my first stm32 project. my goal is to use the stm32 to read sensor values and send them over lora to somewhere else. However i am not getting past reading a single value from the Sensor.First of all there seems to be more than one versi...
Dear Sir or Madam,I am currently writing a documentation for my school thesis. In my case the sensor vl53l5cx is involved in my project.I would like to use some product photos of the vl53l5cx(-satel) sensor in my documentation, and need a permission ...