2023-01-26 4:19 AM
2023-02-17 5:11 PM
draw a 45 degree pyramid starting at the sensor. It shows the area of coverage.
If your door entrance were 2m tall, the area of coverage would be about 2m x 2m.
But at the very edges, it would see only the people's feet. To get full coverage, you would probably need a couple of them. Granted the wall edges would be seen, but you can account for that in software.
If your door were 3 meters tall, the area of coverage would probably work out better.
But I'm going to guess that you are going to have a hard time telling the difference between 2 people standing close, and one big fat guy.
But It would be a fun experiment. Buy the $56 P-nucleo-53L5A1 and try it. A long USB cable and some tape would be all it took. And a couple of friends to walk under the sensor.