Edge AI

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Forum Posts

Generated models in NanoEdge AI Studio

Hi everyone, I am working on an extrapolation task as part of a research project at the university and I compare the different models, in this case random forest models. I assume that the model complexity of the model is related to the size of the kn...

Resolved! Problem with Deploy.py from Model Zoo

 Hi,I am currently working on my Final Year Project, which involves implementing a plant disease detection model on the STM32H747i-Disco board. My project is inspired by an image classification example from the model zoo.Back in October 2023, I succe...

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chew by Associate III
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Resolved! Reading .dat file

I am using the STEVAL-STWINKT1B evaluation board to gather microphone data with a 192kHz sampling rate. The data is saved in a .dat file which i want to read and process. However, when reading the IMP23ABSU_MIC.dat file i get completely different res...

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TomRett by Associate III
  • 2 replies
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How to deploy a quantized model on an embedded platform

Hello everyone, I have a pytorch model (mymodel.pth) obtained by running the mixed-precision quantization of this algorithm: * https://github.com/eml-eda/q-ppg. I followed the instructions in the readme section.Python models are not natively supporte...


Hi, When ST will release more information about the STM32N6? Will it use the new cortex-m55? Can it be used in motor control applications?

AMend.7 by Associate III
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A self-trained model takes too much flash

Hi, I have a self-trained image classification model with two classes with dynamic range quantization(unquantized model is about 1.5mb and it is 500kb after quantization). And this model takes too much flash and ram after benchmarking. Is there any m...

undefined reference to `ai_emotion_model_create_and_init'

Hi, I am trying to create an STM32Cube.AI application using X-Cube-AI. I am following the documentation under Content 6. I trained my own model and configure the .ioc file as shown below. I wanted to get input from the ADC and feed directly into the ...

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goldmine by Associate
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HardFault error in ai_platform_network_process()

Hello, I have implemented https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/AI:How_to_perform_motion_sensing_on_STM32L4_IoTnode this project. When I run the program I had a hard fault error when function enters  ai_platform_network_process().  I have incremented the...