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Hellothe brand new 1.14.0 has the same issue like the older unnecessary file is opened after the 2nd debug session.It's annoying that STM can't get this solved.padawan 
Hi,if i select in MX "List Pinout Compatible MCUs"i get this:Sometimes STM32CubeIDE closes without warning.i reintalled the ide, i delete the workspace, i restart the pc, nothing helps! i change in the properties from external bowser (chrome) to inte...
Hi,I have written 2 cmd files. The first renames the main.cpp to main.c before the code generation runs. and the second renames main.c back to main.cpp afterwards. The files are in the project path. The plan was to access them with ${project_loc}\Cpp...
Helloyesterday I heard at the webinar that the touchgfx is for F4 Mcu.Now i want to connect a 3,5" touchscreen to a nucleo-F446Re board.STM32CubeIde with MX 5.2 shows me no touchgfx in the middle ware.(Iam serching a Nucleo64 with mcu that is TouchG...