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Is it ok to keep unused peripherals in perpetual reset, by leaving their RCC_APBRSTR_*RST (or similar) bit set?Maybe differences in power consumption?This is not for a specific STM32 family.I'm just looking for advice by people with more experience, ...
As explained in the reference manual RM0503 rev2, §14.10, the MCU has an internal bandgap voltage reference, which can be measured by the ADC peripheral. This reading can be compared to the one performed by ST in the factory (and stored in flash), so...
I'm using STM32CubeMX 6.12.0, with the firmware package U0_V1.1.0.When generating code for a STM32U073, the file system_stm32u0xx.c is generated, which contains the implementation of the SystemCoreClockUpdate() function.This file seems to be a mere c...
* In the reference manual RM0503 rev2, in §5.4.4 (description of RCC_PLLCFGR), the description of PLLR[2:0] indicates:Caution: The software must set this bitfield so as not to exceed 54 MHz on this clock.* In the reference manual RM0503 rev2, in §5.2...
The reference manual RM0503 rev2 has inconsistent information about the flash wait states.Table 9 in §3.3.4 shows three options: 0WS, 1WS, 2WS (and, by the way, it says that all three of them correspond to "1 CPU cycle", which seems wrong).Instead, §...