2022-08-28 11:56 PM
Help to put stm32 32f042 in boot mode.
I have this board from aliexpress and i want to load a project with STM32CubeProgrammer
I receive this error and i think the jumers are in wrong places
this is if i try to connect and choose UART option
09:55:10 : Error: Activating device: KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial port configuration. Reset your device then try again...
this is if i try to connect and choose USB option
09:55:17 : Error: Establishing connection with device failed
Thanks in advance
2022-08-29 12:49 AM
i cannot open link : page not found.
so what board you have?
set boot0 (and boot1 , if there) to Hi , then apply power .
bootloader start...
2022-08-29 1:01 AM
hi. the link open well
it is a stm3232f042 with lin and can on the board
2022-08-29 1:28 AM
i cannot open link : page not found. (not allowed for this country).
board has SWD port, so use a ST-Link ( 2 $ ) and you can program and debug,
you will need it anyway , if you want make programs and debug them...
2022-08-29 1:32 AM
so, i can not upload to this board directly on usb?
2022-08-29 7:55 AM
Hi @Community member ,
Did you find this error when you switched from one interface to another?
I advise you, when you configured the bootloader, to refer at this AN2606 "STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode" and get inspired form the steps described in this MOOC "STM32 boot and startup tips - 2 Embedded bootloader investigations".
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2022-08-29 9:30 AM
thanks. i think i must put some jumpers in other positions to can upload the programms on this device, i wrote to the seller, but not answered to me.
2022-09-14 8:49 AM
> Error: Activating device: KO.
Why does STM32CubeProgrammer use some French slang?
And even, if it means "error", then saying "error" twice with semicolons at the beginning and the end does not make sense anyway.