2022-04-18 5:40 PM
the driver generated by stm32CubeMX compiles with no error but the device's peripheral dont work such as svc ,I2C, DMA, UART. However, I substitute HAL driver with example project's HAL files, all seem well.
2022-04-18 6:47 PM
Without further info is hard to help you. Post a snippet of your HAL config and usage.
Are you using the full project created by CubeMX?
What MCU are you using?
2022-04-20 7:23 PM
Hi, @Otavio Borges Thank you agian. I'm using F429IIT, KEIL 5.36, CMSIS pack 5.8.0.
I test CubeMX project without any modifying except for main() function, I write test code in main(). Freertos , I2C and SVC all cannot work, they call work if I switch HAL driver files to 2015 year's older version.
2022-04-20 10:27 PM
Maybe it's the good old DMA init ordering bug?
2022-04-21 1:09 AM
I have tried this but with no good luck.