2022-05-26 10:56 AM
I am using a TIM3 configured in OPM mode, trigger source set to TI1FP1.
The COMP1 and COMP2 outputs are configured as internal connection to TIM3IC1. If I turn on only one comparator everything works, if both are on, it doesn't work. Configuration is done via CubeIDE. Maybe CubeIDE is setting something wrong. Is the simultaneous operation of the comparators possible? Do I need to find another solution?
2022-05-26 11:17 AM
What is "doesn't work"?
> Configuration is done via CubeIDE.
That's irrelevant. The mcu works out of content of the registers. Read them out and check them.
2022-05-26 11:36 AM
Dear JW,
Thank you for your response.Theoretically, everything explains the wiring diagram of the comparator and timer, but the timer does not react to any event from the comparators.
If I only turn on one comparator everything works as expected.
2022-05-26 1:55 PM
How did you verify that output of the comparators reacts to your input signals?
Note that output of the two comparators is ORed together, i.e. if one's output is one, output of the other is ignored.