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STM32CubeMX5.1.0 ADC "DMA Continuous Requests" doesn't work


I opened an older project which was created with 5.0.1, and the newest CubeMX shows an error for this option in ADC. But this option is correct. I tried to create a new project, and I wasn't able to enable this option here.


So it means, this issue is fixed too? It's mainly related to low layer driver, with HAL it worked before.

I can confirm that with new blank projects, and version 5.2.0, which uses MxDb.Version=DB.5.0.20, the issue is fixed.

However, 5.2.0 cannot seem to open my file (CubeMX spins forever on trying to load it). It was able to be opened with 5.1.0.

See attached.

​@Jeff Gros​ 

You're Right, this issue is already reported and it wil be fixed in the next release. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have brought.

Best Regards



Yes, this is fixed. I can confirm it too!

But you can't measure temp sensor with vref with LL, because freshly generated code will only enable measuring vrefint. Tested with 5.2.0.

Associate II

Hello I was working in Mxcube 5.01 and I updated to 5.3.0 and I can not set the parameter DMA continues Request to ENABLE only Disable shows up.

I was using and project that I am working, but I created a new one from the scratch and I can no set this option. I ma using STM32F446ZEJx.

Is this bug not fixed for this MCU ?

Thank you

Associate II

When I open my old Project I clicked in migrate project, I got my old Ioc file and I did not click Migrate I just clicked in Download package and this allow me to change this DAM setting, but if i do i new project I can not change it using STM32F446ZEJx

Thank you

hello @mospi​ , I will check it, please share your ioc file.

Best Regards,


Associate II

This is the ioc


I have the same problem with SMT32F446RE.

Hello the Ioc was shared like month ago.

can you tell us if this bug is fixed or how can we go around this.

Thank you