2020-07-17 4:55 AM
Until three days, CubeMX runs nice at my laptop. Now (possibly after java update), CubeMX shows the light blue start screen, and stops without any message.
New installation didn't solve the problem, uninstallation fails also.
Launching from console fails also and gives no hint about the problem, but this is what I found in the STM32CubeMX.log-file:
[Most of file content removed cause post-to-long-error]
2020-07-17 13:47:05,310 [INFO] Updater:886 - Updater Version found : 5.6.1
2020-07-17 13:47:05,355 [INFO] ApplicationProperties:181 - Using Application install path: C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX
2020-07-17 13:47:48,086 [ERROR] IntegrityCheckThread:94 - Cannot obtain updater plugin
2020-07-17 13:47:48,087 [INFO] IntegrityCheckThread:98 - End integrity checks thread
2020-07-17 13:47:48,087 [INFO] ThirdPartyDb:261 - Close Third Party DataBase File (C:/Users/Oli/.stm32cubemx/plugins/thirdparty/db/thirdparties_db.xml)
Has anyone a solution for this?
2020-07-17 5:00 AM
Some additional:
-Other java programs (CubeIDE, CubeMonitor, Netbeans) runs nice without problems.
-Reinstalling java did also not help.
-Path variable is ok.
2020-07-17 5:44 AM
Its courious.
After starting from CubeIDE, CubeMX runs also from start icon launch.
But now I have no chance to exit the programm. A message window pops up, "Unexpected busy status. Please wait...".
2020-07-17 5:51 AM
I'm pretty sure STM32CubeIDE uses its own Java version while STM32CubeMX uses the system Java.
Not sure how to solve this apart from uninstalling/reinstalling.
2020-07-17 6:21 AM
Hm...ok, thanks for the information that CubeIDE use not the system jre, but CubeMX does so.
This could be an explanation, I have java 8 here (should be compatible at this time). I think I try a newer version.
2020-07-17 6:40 AM
A newer java version doesn't fix the error. The "Unexpected Busy Status" still occuring, and if I select "check for updates", I get a message "Updater is already in use". The last message occurs even after 15min.