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FDCAN1_IT0_IRQHandler and FDCAN1_IT1_IRQHandler are not defined in the interrupt table of the file startup_stm32g483xx.s. When an FDCAN1 interrupt occurs, it generates an hardware fault. Adding the FDCAN1 irq handlers to the interrupt table solves th...
I disable DMA channel global interrupt in CubeMX 5.6.0 by unchecking the corresponding checkbox. If I save and close the ioc file, the checkbox are checked again when reopening the ioc.
Posted on April 15, 2014 at 17:57I'm using TIM1 for a 6-step motor control on a STM32F2xx. According of the table 4 in DM0004234 application note, I update OCxE and OCxNE at each commutation, to select a new step. When OCxE = 0 and OCxNE = 0, the ou...
Posted on April 15, 2014 at 16:26I'm using TIM1 for a 6-step motor control on a STM32F2xx. According of the table 4 in DM0004234 application note, I update OCxE and OCxNE at each commutation, to select a new step. When OCxE = 0 and OCxNE = 0, the ou...