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How to REALLY turn OFF network activity of CubeMX 5.2.1? Is it a SPY software now or what?

Associate III

CubeMX creates a lot of network activity even if there is no need to do so.

I can imagine only two reasons explained to user for CubeMX to do any network activity:

  1. To update CubeMX and its components
  2. To collect info about usage of CubeMX

First one I turned OFF in Updater Settings to Manual Check (see screenshot)

Second one is turned OFF in User Preferences (see screenshot)

So there should be no reason for CubeMX to tell anything to someone in internet or ask anything there. BUT CubeMX does not care and tries to do a LOT of connections in internet. WHY?

Every time I "Generate Code" it needs connection. Every time I create project - it needs connection. And all this with trurned usage collection turned off. Looks like spying ... NO?

And moreover CubeMX states that it needs this connection to fullfill operation with anoying message box. If I press Home after I opened project it states "A network connection is required to proceed". Really!? CubeMX need internet to go to start screen of CubeMX!?

Please fix this spying behavious of CubeMX. If user selected to manually update and turned off collection of usage info then NO CONNECTION should be asked by CubeMX software (or there is some hidden reporting/connectioning which people usually call "spying")!

Here is the screesnshots


Chief II

Also font size dissonance seems to follow nowadays Microsoft's guidelines of degrading GUI. No DPI scaling, no unicode support - welcome back to the 90'ies with CGA/EGA colors from 80'ies! :)

"So "the way design software is going" is clearly area-dependent."

Popular PCB design software EasyEDA runs in the cloud and is free.

Some of Synopsys's device simulation tools run in the cloud and I think are the most expensive EDA tools out there.

So as both ends have already gone this way, the middle will follow.

On non-design software, gaming is also going this way, with much of the gaming functionality in the cloud and the local device just doing the graphics rendering.

I also know one of the largest bespoke software companies in the world creating large infrastructure projects aims to have 100% of their systems on the cloud within five years.

So whilst I agree with some of your sentiments, I think this is a lost battle.

Associate III

>So whilst I agree with some of your sentiments, I think this is a lost battle.

We both agree that there is tendency to "cloudness". We both agree that there is many cases when workflow is hurt by that. But you want to name this tendency "fine" because it is used more and more. I am against this motivation. Like ... If people are hurt somewhere by someone (even in many places) - in normal society it is not a reason to change attitude to hurting. It should be named "bad" independent to frequency of happened cases (or degradation of society to animans is unavoidable).

For CubeMx there is no motivation in hurtfull "couldness" because CubeMx already have implemented mechanism of updating everything from packages. So in my post I am asking to allower users use that mechanism if they prefer it instead of "cloudness". So "offliness" is already implemented by St in CubeMx ... I want St not to destroy this way of working with soft. I think we both can agree with possibilty of "that democrasy" and close the theme about "cloudness" ... it is "quite parallel" to question I asked because I am not AGAINST COEXISTANCE of "offliness" and "cloudness". I am about keeping "offliness" in same healthy condition as it was and there is no real reason for us to discuss "cloudness" deeply in this post.


Full quote was "Collecting of usage statistic is not a reason to popup a message box in users's face many many times a day. This is not "the way all design software is going"." So in that quote I was against harmfullness of UI which make UX miserable because of how "cloudness" is IMPLEMENTED.

I think we understood each other fully. Let's wrap up this theme.

Associate III

DPIness was discussed in another post of mine

In CubeMx 5.2 they finally added possibility to set large font which helped. Agly or not - can be discussed but at least it became VISIBLE ;)

Unfortunately there is little attention from St devs to absence of keyboard shotcut to "Generate Code" button in CubeMX

I would prefer to call it with shourtcut instead of mouse ... in CubeMx 4 it was possible . Why not in CubeMx 5!? There is no real connection between users and developers like bugtracking and it makes some aspects of CubeMx bad and developers are not aware about that at ALL!

May be we need social repository on github just to collect bugreports about CubeMx, no?