2020-07-12 5:53 PM
This is a follow-up for: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000BB1eL7SQJ/bug-cubemx-freertos-projects-corrupt-memory?t=1594600862291
Due to popular demand, I’ve updated and placed a couple of components on Github: https://github.com/DRNadler/FreeRTOS_helpers, including:
I’ve also updated and expanded the web page http://www.nadler.com/embedded/newlibAndFreeRTOS.html.
Hope you find this helpful!
Best Regards, Dave
2020-08-15 6:15 AM
Thank U very much! I implemented your improvements in my code. Then I went on and rebuilt the toolchain with unstripped libraries.
I can dive into newlib whith gdb if someting goes wrong now. The source was downloades from arm site
Unfortunatly distributed toolchain/newlib configuration assumes single thread model and implements file and stream locks as stubs. So we can not use stdin,stdout and stderr in totally thread-safe manner in spite of reentrancy mechanism. To overcome this restriction I also added 'weak' attribute to stubs in the lock.c which lays in src/newlib/newlib/libc/. I also redefined 'unused' field in struct __lock from chat to void* ( that garantees 4-byte placeholder for a pointer to free-rtos mutex for example. The final thing to do is to implement own wrappers.
Here below is patched "lock.c"
#include <sys/lock.h>
struct __lock {
void* unused;
// char unused;
struct __lock __lock___sinit_recursive_mutex;
struct __lock __lock___sfp_recursive_mutex;
struct __lock __lock___atexit_recursive_mutex;
struct __lock __lock___at_quick_exit_mutex;
struct __lock __lock___malloc_recursive_mutex;
struct __lock __lock___env_recursive_mutex;
struct __lock __lock___tz_mutex;
struct __lock __lock___dd_hash_mutex;
struct __lock __lock___arc4random_mutex;
void __attribute__((weak))
__retarget_lock_init (_LOCK_T *lock)
void __attribute__((weak))
__retarget_lock_init_recursive(_LOCK_T *lock)
void __attribute__((weak))
__retarget_lock_close(_LOCK_T lock)
void __attribute__((weak))
__retarget_lock_close_recursive(_LOCK_T lock)
void __attribute__((weak))
__retarget_lock_acquire (_LOCK_T lock)
void __attribute__((weak))
__retarget_lock_acquire_recursive (_LOCK_T lock)
int __attribute__((weak))
__retarget_lock_try_acquire(_LOCK_T lock)
return 1;
int __attribute__((weak))
__retarget_lock_try_acquire_recursive(_LOCK_T lock)
return 1;
void __attribute__((weak))
__retarget_lock_release (_LOCK_T lock)
void __attribute__((weak))
__retarget_lock_release_recursive (_LOCK_T lock)
I built the toolchain on and for Ubuntu with the following options:
./build-prerequisites.sh --skip_steps=howto,md5_checksum,mingw
./build-toolchain.sh --build_type=native --with-multilib-list=rmprofile,aprofile --skip_steps=howto,manual,md5_checksum,mingw,strip
2020-08-15 7:11 AM
@SSolo.2 - A few notes:
Hope that helps!
Best Regards, Dave
PS: It is certainly helpful to rebuild the library with debug information!
2020-08-15 11:35 AM
Thanks! I was simply confused with the debugger showing lock as normal structure :) Yes, sure _LOCK_T is opaque. Opaque structures is usual practice to emulate OO features in C.
I was faced a problem when I built without "weak". Linker failed with duplicated symbols error. Probably the reason was that I did not define ALL!! symbols from lock.c. Yes U are right, there is no reason to patch lock.c at all.
When I said "single-thread" I meant "single-thread" out-of-box.
2020-08-17 1:28 PM
Im trying to apply the files provided by @Dave Nadler but my project simply hangs while initializing the usb when the patches are applied.
My scenario is as follows:
Now, starting from that point I apply Dave's patches as follows:
// DRN ISR (MSP) stack initialization and checking
#if !defined(EXTERNC)
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define EXTERNC extern "C"
#define EXTERNC extern
#define configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS (0x100) // in WORDS, must be valid constant for GCC assembler
#define configSUPPORT_ISR_STACK_CHECK 1 // DRN initialize and check ISR stack
EXTERNC unsigned long /*UBaseType_t*/ xUnusedISRstackWords( void ); // check unused amount at runtime
After applying the patches, the build just fails because the _sbrk symbol is duplicated, so as stated in Dave's instructions I remove from the project the default-included sysmem.c and syscalls.c files and at this point the project builds just fine. But once flashed it just hangs after MX_USB_DEVICE_Init();,
If I comment the MX_USB_Device_Init() the leds just blink fine so it seems the problem is related to this call.
Also, if I start the board without the USB connected to the PC the LEDS are blinking, but it hangs as soon as I connect the USB cable to the PC.
Can someone confirm Dave's patches working in a similar setup? Could be compiler version related?
2020-08-17 3:55 PM
@JSoll.1 - Most likely you are asserting with malloc called inside ISR.
Fix your project so you can catch such assertions!
You can pause the program to see where its sitting (inside heap_useNewlib),
and the call stack that caused the problem (likely USB ISR).
I'm assuming ST has not yet fixed the craptastic USB stack,
despite the gorgeous PowerPoint they made for us showing
how they were going to fix all these problems.
Replace the malloc inside USB ISR to use a static structure to avoid all this mess...
Hope that helps!
Best Regards, Dave
PS: And complain to your ST salesperson about this crap STILL not getting fixed!
2020-08-17 10:22 PM
Also people advise not to use ST stack but use https://github.com/hathach/tinyusb.
2020-08-18 2:20 PM
@Dave Nadler yes!!! that was the issue.
Now I have it working with USB cdc using your patches! Thank you very much!!
Btw I discovered when CubeMX generates the same project with Toolchain/IDE option set to "Makefile" instead of "STM32CubeIDE" the following things occur:
So in short: same (patched) code doesn't work when using Makefile. But I'm using a newer toolchain and I still need to try with exactly the same toolchain version used by STM32CubeIDE.
I wanted to use makefiles to easily include c++ code, but anyway I can start playing around with STM32CubeIDE :)